a. Introduction to Mobile Operating systemsb. Manufacturer-built proprietary Operating systems
c. Third party proprietary Operating systems
d. Free &open source Operating systems
Android Programming Platform
a. A Brief History of the Android Platformb. Google and the Open Handset Aliance announce Android Open source Availability
c. Android Platform Versions-API Levels
d. Android Features
e. Android Architecture
Android SDK(Software Development Kit)
a. Emulator (Android Virtual Device)b. Android Debug Bridge
c. Application Components
d. Preparing Development Environment &Creating “Hello World” Program
e. Settingup the Development Environment
f. Settingup the Android SDK
g. Installing Eclipse
h. A Quick Tour of Eclipse
i. Workspace
j. Hello World, Android Style
k. Creating Project
l. Creating an Android Virtual Device
m. Logcat & DDMS
Manifest and Activities
a. Inside the Manifestb. Structure of Manifest file File
Android Components
a. Activitiesb. Services
c. Broadcast Receivers
d. Content Provider
File Features
a. Intentb. Intent Filters
c. Icons & Labels
d. Permissions
User Interface
a. User interface Layoutb. User interface Components
c. Basic Layouts
d. Attribute
e. ID
f. Layout Parameters
g. Size,Padding & Margins
h. Common Layouts
i. Handling Click Events
a. Linear Layoutb. Relative Layout
c. Absolute Layout
d. Frame Layout
e. Table Layout
f. Scroll View
g. ListView
h. GridView
i. Input Controls
j. Common Controls
Buttons & Views
a. Responding to Click Eventb. Using an OnClick Listener
c. Styling the Button
d. Text Fields
e. Checkbox
f. Radio Buttons
g. Spinner
h. Pickers
Notification & Toast
a.Creating a Simple Notification
b.Managing Notifications
c.Settingup a reguler Activity Pending Intent
d.Displaying Progress in a Notification
e.Custom Notification Layouts
f. Positioning the toast
g. Alert Dialogue
h. Progress Dialogue
a. Styles and themes
b. Style Properties
c. Applying Styles and themes to the UI
Data Storage
a. Shared Preferences
b. Internal Storage
c. External Storage
d. SQ Lite Databases
e. Network Connection
Maps Integration
a. Intro to Maps
b. Android location API
c. Location Manager and Provider
d. Security
e. Using Android location to API
f. Creating API Key
g. MapView
Animations & Graphics
a. Android animated GIF image example
b. Screenshot
c. Graphics
Web Services
a. JSON implementationb. Rest full web services
c. Xml Parsing
Publishing Android application to the market
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